Lecture 22
University of Arizona
INFO 526 - Fall 2024
Visually display most important information on one screen
Monitored by a glance
Reactive to user needs & questions
Regularly updating
Produces reports
🌮 Increase customer satisfaction
🚹 🚺 Address inequity in salaries
🦕 Grow audience & Patreon subscribers
Project measurements
🌮 Ingredient costs, labor costs
🚹 🚺 Employee data, salary data
🦕 Viewership/subscribers
🌮 Speedy service, product consistency
🚹 🚺 Contract amounts, raises + promotions
🦕 Speed of production, number of revisions
🌮 Good tacos in minimal time
🚹 🚺 Individuals with unequal pay
🦕 Interesting and educational videos
Lagging KPI:
Leading KPI:
Named after car dashboards
Gauge plot: They are all what Edward Tufte would call “low data to ink” plots (and which he would hate)
Speedometers = low-information donut plot where only one number means anything about the data.
The other numbers & colors are there to provide context and meaning for that data point.
For all of these, you could cover up the dial and just leave the number and you’d have the same info.
fig <- plot_ly(
domain = list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)),
value = 450,
title = list(text = "Speed"),
type = "indicator",
mode = "gauge+number+delta",
delta = list(reference = 380),
gauge = list(
axis =list(range = list(NULL, 500)),
steps = list(
list(range = c(0, 250), color = "lightgray"),
list(range = c(250, 400), color = "gray")),
threshold = list(
line = list(color = "red", width = 4),
thickness = 0.75,
value = 490)))
fig <- fig %>%
layout(margin = list(l=20,r=30))
Similar to battery charts:
Essentially stacked bar plot
Gray/“uncharged” group
Colored/“charged” proportion group
Adds to 100
Shows key information
Uses Icons
Common car warning lights
Do all make sense without a label?
With dashboards you can have hover-over labels or include text, but only while that icon still likely retains meaning
Icons lose & gain meaning much faster than you would expect
Started being used for romantic love in the 1400’s
Similar structure to what we’ve been using!
Simpler / more straightforward than Shiny
Aesthetically pleasing
Created automatically for cells & markdown content that are within rows/columns:
Can also just contain markdown via .card
The above and more can be found here!